What is Zero Liquid Discharge and How Does it Work?

Have you ever heard about the ‘zero liquid discharge system?’

Zero liquid discharge or ZLD is a sophisticated process for water treatment where the water is recovered and any impurities are turned into solid waste.

However, not every industry requires ZLD because it is a very complex process that requires a hefty initial investment. If your industry is located near a site with water scarcity, you might consider getting in touch with Thermosag, one of the zero liquid discharge plant manufacturers in India.

So, if you want to know more about zero-liquid discharge systems and how they work, keep reading this article.

What is a Zero Liquid Discharge System?

A ZLD system is an advanced technological water treatment process that is used to limit liquid waste at the end of an industrial process.

Zero liquid discharge system manufacturers like Thermosag should be able to provide well-design ZLD treatment that can:

● Handle variations in waste contamination and flow.

● Make adjustments for varying chemical volumes.

● Treat and retrieve precious byproducts from the waste like salt and brine.

● Restore more than 95% liquid waste for reuse.

● Provide you with dry and solid cake for elimination.

How does the ZLD System Function?

The ZLD system can filter contamination from water and make it clear for usage in just 4 processes. 


Pretreatment is the first process where the wastewater is treated to remove certain toxins and filter out the number of total suspended solids (TSS). This is also an important step that will save the reverse osmosis (RO) or ultrafiltration (UF) membranes.

Water Purification

As the name refers, in this step the water is purified to such an extent that it can be reused again. 


After that purification process, the wastewater is transferred to a holding tank for further processing. In this step, the wastewater is pumped into a heated tank system where it gets evaporated and that vapor is collected in a separate tank. 

Then it is transferred through a filter press to accumulate any solids. Here the filter press doesn’t just filter evaporated water but also keeps the heated tank clean and provides a smooth operation.

Removal of the Solid Waste

In this final step, the solid wastes are converted into solid and dry cakes that are discharged into a sludge cart and disposed of in a landfill.

Wrapping up

In this way, the ZLD system works and filters around 95% of wastewater for use in the industries again. If you want to get a ZLD system for your industries, contact Thermosag to know more. 


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