4 Safety Checks for Air Cooled Condensing Unit Before Use

Air cooled condensing units are the industrial design to condense turbine exhaust steam straight into the water through air-cooled bundles. Because of this, it is also known as a direct dry cooling system. The air cooled condensing unit is widely used in the industry thanks to its water-saving ability and uninterrupted process.

Benefits That ACC Offers

       Significantly low contamination elements

       Equilibrium heat removal and outlet pressure from all tubes

       Due to the sizeable height-to-width ratio, it is highly efficient in the separation of steam and condensate

       Highly applicable for forced and natural draft condensers

       Easy to clean and maintain

As air cooled condensing unit works for a long time without unplugging, it requires cleaning and maintenance from time to time. Also, before using it, you should consider these 4 safety checks.

1. Supervise Air-Cooled Condensing Bundles

This is the most crucial part of ACC, from where the continuous flow of air passes away. However, sometimes due to moisture present in the air, condensing bundles decoy. Also, sometimes these tubes get damaged. It can affect heat transfer during the condensing process and ultimately affect good production. It is advisable to assess every condensing bundle to ensure that there is leakage or blockage in the plant. Thermosag India Pvt Ltd is the leading industry that builds quality heat exchange equipment and installs finned tubes that resist such decoys.

2. Clean Condensate Collection System

Every good production process differs from each other, and so condensate does. Industries that use ACC for different good production and cooling down different components should clean the condensate of the previous production. Otherwise, two different condensates get mixed up at the end of the process.

3. Check the Vacuum Pumping System

The vacuum pumping system is mechanical, too to create a vacuum in fine tubes by removing air-or-gas molecules. It helps flow steam smoothly and achieves high use of the steam in the turbine. Check the vacuum pumping system every time you use the ACC and ensure adequate pressure to flow steam.

4. Electrical Components

As ACC units contain electrical components, operators should ensure no dampness over them while plugging in.

Wrapping up

As steam gets condensed inside the air-cooled finned tubes, it is important to keep a safety check. Also, condensate produce from ACC is returned back to the boiler. That is why it is crucial to keep safety in check and do regular maintenance to smooth operations. Also, you can reach out to the leading air cooled heat exchanger manufacturers like Thermosag India Pvt Ltd to install quality ACC.


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