Mechanical Vapour Recompression: What is it and How it Works?

Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR) or Mechanical Vapour Compression (MVC) is an energy-efficient technology that recycles and reuses energy. MVR is an economical method used in various industries like food processing, desalination, and chemical production. However, if you are wondering how MVR works, read below to know the answer. Understanding Mechanical Vapour Recompression Before going through the process, we must understand the core principle of MVR. The mechanical Vapour Recompression system consists of a compressor that expands the pressure of the low-pressure vapor, raising the temperature. Then the low-pressure heated vapour is sent back to the process, providing necessary energy for evaporation. The Process of Mechanical Vapour Recompression Vapour Generation The first step is to generate low-pressure vapour. This vapour is generated during the evaporation, distillation, or drying processes. Vapour Compression The vapour produced during the eva...